quinta-feira, 17 de fevereiro de 2011

Diets - Tons of them...

 Well, as you of course know, there are several diets on the world, and each day we read or hear about another different kind that as they say can perform miracles in you.

First thing I have to say is that each person can adapt to one or other diet. It's impossible that all types of diets will fit you.

There are the radical ones and the light ones. You can choose and see if it fits you and your body. But remember, the best thing to do is inside you - prepare your mind, focus in your goal and go ahead. A simple diet based on vegetables and fruits can be great, exercises are an excellent co-helper.

From now on I'll post some kind of diets that I've heard or read about. In case you like one of them, go deeper and start your own weight loss proccess.

Today: Blood Type Diet

This one was created by the american doctor Peter James D'Adamo, and it's based on the premise that each person, taking into consideration it's blood type, is prepared to assimilate different food.

  • What's good: all blood types can find several different snacks/food to eat

  • What's not so good: even though there are people that are getting thinner with this one, there's no scientific proof of the benefits of this diet (as far as I know...)

What's better for each blood type:

Blood Type A) vegetables, fish, fruits - They're more sensible than others
Blood Type B) milk and it's derivates (cheese, butter, and so on...)
Blood Type AB) As said can eat of all mixed, but in balanced and limited portions... (???)
Blood Type O) These can eat lot of proteins - meat

What's not good for each blood type:

Blood Type O) Food based on wheat (bread, f.e.) and milk are harmful for this blood type
Blood Type A) Need to be far from red meat
Blood Type B) Chicken and corn are harmful to these
Blood Type AB) All kinds of meat (red, fish, chicken) and Milk

Remember, this is one kind of diet among millions you have in whole world. If you got interested in this one, you can go to the creator site, which is:


See you next post!!

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