terça-feira, 20 de setembro de 2011

Keep your house clean and get fit!!!

Hello again my friends and now a very interesting tip... although it's a little bit crazy...

Sometimes our family or our roomates want us to do the dirty job.. clean up the mess we usually do (specially men...)... so that's it, a great way to get some exercises and be healthy!!!

Here are few examples:

To cook:  125 cal/hour

To cut the grass:   400 cal/hour !!!

Take a walk with your buddy: 286 cal/hour

Iron Clothes (eeerrrgghh...): 118 cal/hour

These are some few examples and how much you can win doing those things, besides that everybody will be happy...!! If you want more house calories burners, please let me know!!!

segunda-feira, 19 de setembro de 2011

Think Thin

Yes, I've heard there's a lot of merchandise and books with this same title... That's true. But most of them have one similar goal: they want to show that you're the only one to make things happen.

Let's see this way. if you want to drink water, you get up and go to the kitchen and get some, right? You had the motivation, you've foreseen it and then you did it.

Once I've been told that if you thin but think fat, you're not thin. You have to think ahead, to foresee it, and then you automatically start acting this way, and the maging begins to happen.

If you want to get thinner, besides all exercises and diets you may have, you need before everything to see yourself thin, be grateful you have the body you want. You just go on a diet if you aim a goal... foresee it.

Good luck!!

sexta-feira, 16 de setembro de 2011

Soup Diet

For extreme cases that you really need to lose weight very fast you can use this Soup Diet.

This is not recommended for long term, once you just eat Soup everytime. Of course that it depends on the soup your cooking, but in almost all ways it's a low fat and low calories diet.

In some cases it's possible to lose something like 9 pounds  (4,5 kg) per week!!!!

But remember, this diet is only recommended for one or two weeks, for a quick result, then you can change to a more balanced diet.

quinta-feira, 15 de setembro de 2011

Get thinner sleeping

If you want to lose that excess weight try to get the right amount of sleep each night. The average adult needs 8 hours sleep a night. People who sleep less than that have a 45% greater risk of being overweight and those who sleep less than four hours have a 75% chance of being overweight.

Insufficient sleep has been linked with increases in fat tissue in the body and a loss of muscle strength and also with the decrease in bone density.

So, in case you're having a hard time to get a good night sleep, you should try to organize your agenda, change your evening meals and go to bed earlier!!

quinta-feira, 24 de fevereiro de 2011

Diets II - Vegetarian

Second Diet we are managing to talk about is regarding Vegetarians. Please note that this is more than a simple diet, for some people this is a way of living - it's an ideal regarding life and protection of other kinds.

Some say that the first people to adopt this Vegetarian way of living were the indians and the buddisths for religious matters. Nowadays there are several vegetarian patterns as for example some that eat onle vegetables or others that eat milk , eggs and meat derivatives.

The Vegtarian Diet, as said before, can consists in only eat vegetables or even white meat - it depends on you.

Red meat is totally forbidden.

Advantages:  once you don't eat meat, you reduce saturated fat absortion and consequently helps you avoid cardio diseases.

Disadvantages: once you will probably have a lack of calcium and iron in your body, you have a high possibility to have anemia. To avoid so, usually vegetarians use food suplements. Some studies indicates that vegetarians get older faster than others, consequence of their nutricional deficiency.

So, as said some posts before, we just indicate some different types of diet and it's up to you decide rather choose one or other to help you lose weight. If you like one of these, you can search for more information.

Good Luck!!

quinta-feira, 17 de fevereiro de 2011

Diets - Tons of them...

 Well, as you of course know, there are several diets on the world, and each day we read or hear about another different kind that as they say can perform miracles in you.

First thing I have to say is that each person can adapt to one or other diet. It's impossible that all types of diets will fit you.

There are the radical ones and the light ones. You can choose and see if it fits you and your body. But remember, the best thing to do is inside you - prepare your mind, focus in your goal and go ahead. A simple diet based on vegetables and fruits can be great, exercises are an excellent co-helper.

From now on I'll post some kind of diets that I've heard or read about. In case you like one of them, go deeper and start your own weight loss proccess.

Today: Blood Type Diet

This one was created by the american doctor Peter James D'Adamo, and it's based on the premise that each person, taking into consideration it's blood type, is prepared to assimilate different food.

  • What's good: all blood types can find several different snacks/food to eat

  • What's not so good: even though there are people that are getting thinner with this one, there's no scientific proof of the benefits of this diet (as far as I know...)

What's better for each blood type:

Blood Type A) vegetables, fish, fruits - They're more sensible than others
Blood Type B) milk and it's derivates (cheese, butter, and so on...)
Blood Type AB) As said can eat of all mixed, but in balanced and limited portions... (???)
Blood Type O) These can eat lot of proteins - meat

What's not good for each blood type:

Blood Type O) Food based on wheat (bread, f.e.) and milk are harmful for this blood type
Blood Type A) Need to be far from red meat
Blood Type B) Chicken and corn are harmful to these
Blood Type AB) All kinds of meat (red, fish, chicken) and Milk

Remember, this is one kind of diet among millions you have in whole world. If you got interested in this one, you can go to the creator site, which is:


See you next post!!

Dance your fat away!!

Yes, this is true... another excelent exercise to lose weight is dancing.

This is an easy, funny and fast way to lose weight. Salsa, eletronic, house, cha cha cha, whatever...

If you dance for one hour, you can lose app. 330cal.

So, if you're not up to do gym, go dancing!!

terça-feira, 15 de fevereiro de 2011

Cycling - Other good exercise

If you like to be on a beautiful garden, alone or with your family, you can use this free time to ride a bike, even if you're with your family.

This is a good way to spend your time and also do some exercises.

Studies point that if you ride a bike for one hour (remember... just enjoy the ride....) you can lose app. 240 calories in it.

Of course, if you do something more competitive or difficult, the number of calories will increase also.

So, get your bike out of the garage and let's ride!!!

How to increase weight loss - Thermogenic food

This area is very extensive but it's very interesting and it's a good tip to help all of us to lose weight and get in fit.

Thermogenic means that increase our body temperature and our metabolism, which will consequently help us to burn our calories and consequently get thinner. Of course, in order to make a significant help, you need to eat daily portions of these kind of food.

Also, remember that they're not miraculous, you need to do your daily exercises and have a balanced diet in order to have a considerable help of the thermogenic food.

So, herebelow I am giving you a list of "some" thermogenic food, but remember there are tons of fruits, vegetables and others that are thermogenic.

1) Ginger: if you eat raw ginger three times a day, even if you use it spicing other things (like chicken, meat...), you can increas your metabolism rate in more app. 20% !!!

2) Green Tea: if you drink one glass of green tea 5-10 minutes before any meal, it can help you to reduce the sugar absorption in our body and also increases the intestin flow.

3) Fruits: orange and kiwi

4) Some fishes: cod, salmon, sardine & bluefish

5) Caffeine

6) Some vegetables: broccoli, chard and cabbage.

This is a small amount of the countless thermogenic food you can find in order to help you on your way to lose weight.

Good luck!!

segunda-feira, 14 de fevereiro de 2011

Walking - A simple way to start a weight loss program

Sometimes it's difficult for us to go to a Gym or any other place in order to lose weight. Sometimes we do not have the money or we do not feel confortable being in a place with a lot of men and women who are used to "pump iron".

So, the cheapest and easiest way to lose weight, and also to help your cardio system is to do a good walking.

For example, if you walk ONE hour in a slow/average speed ( app. 3,2km/h or 1,86mph) can help you eliminate app. 240 calories.

So, it's a easy way to get started... let's keep walking!!!

Pear - Good to lose weight

Hello Fellas!!

After a nice weekend with a lot of sun (it's Summertime in Brazil), we're back with news and tips in order to get fit.

First tip of all: Pear.

This fruit contains a considerably amount of calories (app. 98cal per fruit), but one pear is full of "pectin" - that helps our intestine to work better and also gives a sense of saturation, allowing us to each less than we're used to.

This is one fruit that can help in our diet but remember, there are a lot of other things we have to do in order to achieve our goals!!!

Have a nice day!!

quinta-feira, 10 de fevereiro de 2011


Hello Everyone!!

To start a new life, new experiences and be prepared to go all the way through this, you need only one thing: MOTIVATION. Once you are determined to reach your results, you have all your goals in your mind totally clear, you'll find several ways to achieve what you wish for.

For example... I DO NOT want to be thaaaat way?? Do you?? So, in order to avoid become that size or to lose all the weight you want (and wish), first thing you need is to WISH for, WANT this more than ever.

Looking at the mirror and look to others made me take this decision. I'm on this road... Let's go!!!

Gettin' Started

Hello Everyone!!

This is the first post in this blog, and I'm here because I started to get fit, going to Gym and getting on a diet. I'll post here all the details about this "journey" and also post here tips in order to help everyone to get in shape!!