terça-feira, 20 de setembro de 2011

Keep your house clean and get fit!!!

Hello again my friends and now a very interesting tip... although it's a little bit crazy...

Sometimes our family or our roomates want us to do the dirty job.. clean up the mess we usually do (specially men...)... so that's it, a great way to get some exercises and be healthy!!!

Here are few examples:

To cook:  125 cal/hour

To cut the grass:   400 cal/hour !!!

Take a walk with your buddy: 286 cal/hour

Iron Clothes (eeerrrgghh...): 118 cal/hour

These are some few examples and how much you can win doing those things, besides that everybody will be happy...!! If you want more house calories burners, please let me know!!!

segunda-feira, 19 de setembro de 2011

Think Thin

Yes, I've heard there's a lot of merchandise and books with this same title... That's true. But most of them have one similar goal: they want to show that you're the only one to make things happen.

Let's see this way. if you want to drink water, you get up and go to the kitchen and get some, right? You had the motivation, you've foreseen it and then you did it.

Once I've been told that if you thin but think fat, you're not thin. You have to think ahead, to foresee it, and then you automatically start acting this way, and the maging begins to happen.

If you want to get thinner, besides all exercises and diets you may have, you need before everything to see yourself thin, be grateful you have the body you want. You just go on a diet if you aim a goal... foresee it.

Good luck!!

sexta-feira, 16 de setembro de 2011

Soup Diet

For extreme cases that you really need to lose weight very fast you can use this Soup Diet.

This is not recommended for long term, once you just eat Soup everytime. Of course that it depends on the soup your cooking, but in almost all ways it's a low fat and low calories diet.

In some cases it's possible to lose something like 9 pounds  (4,5 kg) per week!!!!

But remember, this diet is only recommended for one or two weeks, for a quick result, then you can change to a more balanced diet.

quinta-feira, 15 de setembro de 2011

Get thinner sleeping

If you want to lose that excess weight try to get the right amount of sleep each night. The average adult needs 8 hours sleep a night. People who sleep less than that have a 45% greater risk of being overweight and those who sleep less than four hours have a 75% chance of being overweight.

Insufficient sleep has been linked with increases in fat tissue in the body and a loss of muscle strength and also with the decrease in bone density.

So, in case you're having a hard time to get a good night sleep, you should try to organize your agenda, change your evening meals and go to bed earlier!!